Catalogue for Gianni Berengo Gardin

 In , Press, Video

I was asked by Contrasto to write catalogue text for the exhibition “Vera fotografia” at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, a retrospective of photographer Gianni Berengo Gardin‘s work. In addition, I painted a wall in Pigneto inspired by the same Berengo Gardin image I’d written about. It was an honor to have Berengo Gardin photograph me in front of my work.
Click here for a full slideshow from La Reppublica showing my mural in Pigneto coming together alongside the photograph that inspired it.
Click here for a 22 May special from TG1 featuring interviews about the exhibition and Berengo Gardin’s impression of my work.
Thank you to Gianni Berengo Gardin, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, and Contrasto books for including me in this exhibition.

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