CVTà Street Fest
After one year of organizing, we shared four days of magical experiences. I can’t put into words the meaning of what happened with CVTà Street Fest but a huge thank you to my friends (Jessica Stewart, Ylenia Carelli & Pro Loco Vincenzo Cuoco, Francesco Paolo del Re, Sabino De Nichilo, Alessia Di Risio) and fellow artists (Biancoshock, Hitnes, UNO, Pablo S. Herrero, David de la Mano, ICKS, DJ Gruff, Chef Rubio) who shared in this and believed in what we could do in Civitacampomarano.
Here is just a taste of what happened at the festival. Unless otherwise indicated, all photos courtesy of Alessia Di Risio.

Work by Biancoshock.

Work by David De La Mano

Encounter with DJ Gruff and citizens from Civitacampomarano.

Work by Hitnes.

Work by ICKS.

Work by UNO.

Work by Pablo S. Herrero.

Photo Jessica Stewart.